

 Anyone hoping to maximize muscle mass while minimizing body fat needs to understand the difference between a carbohydrate food that digests almost as soon as it hits the gut and others that break down considerably slower.

1) Slow Digesting Carbs Are Natural And Slow Is Generally Better.
Where do yams, wild rice, beans, red potatoes and oats come from? They’re certainly not manufactured in a food processing plant. No, they’re natural carbs and natural carbs, in general, break down slowly into glucose, the basic fuel source muscles require for energy and growth. As we will see, there are advantages to slow-digesting carbs.

2) Fast Digesting Carbs are “Man-Made”
The more processing involved to ‘make’ a carb, the faster it digests. Bagels, dinner rolls, white bread/ rice, mashed potatoes, fat-free muffins, cold cereals, and rice cakes require some degree of processing which creates a carbohydrate that hits the bloodstream far quicker than slow-digesting carbs.

3) To decrease % bodyfat  you  Need Slow-Burning Carbs
When you eat carbs, your body responds by releasing the hormone insulin. Insulin helps energize your training by pushing glucose, the basic energy unit found in carbs, into your muscle. Insulin also helps push protein into muscles, leading to growth. The downside of insulin is that in bodybuilders/ persons  who have a tough time staying lean, elevated insulin levels along with eating too many calories, can facilitate the storage of body fat. The solution is to stick with natural (slow-digesting) carbs. Gram for gram, they release less insulin than fast-digesting carbs and controlling insulin is a major factor in controlling body fat.
4) Fat Free

What about fat-free and low-fat baked goods such as cookies and muffins? Low-fat pop tarts, white bread and cold cereal? These are off limits to dieters. Refined foods (fast digesting carbs see #2) exert a greater insulin surge than natural foods (slow digesting carbs see #1) and also help elevate the appetite. For hard gainers, keeping the appetite stimulated is one of keys to adding bodyweight.  but not for someone who want to shed weight / body fat. Do yourself a favour and avoid the refined carbs listed in #2  By rapidly burning, they can short-circuit your energy by causing a surge & ultimately a drop in blood sugar levels, making you feel weak.

Reducing carbs promotes fat loss by limiting calories and insulin. Since the amount of insulin you secrete is tied to your total carb intake, cutting back on your carbs automatically controls insulin. The second way to control insulin is to rely on slow-digesting carbs; oats, cream of rye, oat bran cereal, yams, beans, rye bread, and peaches. Slow-digesting/natural carbs produce a milder release of insulin. For example 40 grams of carbs from oats yields the same calories as 40 grams from a fat-free cookie. The catch is that the concentration of insulin released is smaller with the slow digesting carb. Controlling insulin when dieting contributes to a leaner physique.

9) Fiber, Fat and Protein
Although carbs can be classified as slow, medium and fast digesting; other nutrition factors influence how fast the carbs you eat will race into the blood stream. Fiber found in veggies, fruit, beans, oats, and in the skin of yams and potatoes slow the delivery of carbs into glucose, the muscle’s main source of fuel. For example, combining white rice, a medium to fast digesting carb, with a cup of broccoli will slow the digestion of the rice. A side of black beans added to mashed potatoes will dramatically slow the speed at which the potatoes are digested. Dietary fat also influences the speed. Combining any protein food that contains fat – chicken, meat and whole eggs, along with any carb will skew the rate of digestion to a lower number. Of course, if you’re trying to get lean, you would benefit from relying on fat-free sources of protein such as egg whites, turkey breast and fish.

10) Controlled Insulin = Controlled Appetite

Hungry and trying to shed some body fat? Choose slow digesting carbs for all meals Slow digesting carbs help to control the appetite better than fast digesting ones. Adding lots of low-calorie veggies can bump up your fiber intake which will make even slow digesting carbs digest even slower. This will help to control the appetite and make you feel full and satisfied, even when eating a lower calorie diet.

Good, now read it again and again!!!

Exercise & Longevity

1) Walk fast for an hour every day.
2) Take the stairs instead of escalators and elevators.
3) On the weekend, walk everywhere, even faraway places (avoid polluted areas as much as possible).
4) Do moderate exercise for 2.5 to 5 hours a week, with some of it in the vigorous range. Most of the beneficial effects appear to be caused by the first 2.5 hours of exercise, making the additional exercise optional.
5) Use weight training or weight-free exercises to strengthen all muscles.
6) To maximize muscle growth, consume at least 30 grams of protein in a single low-carb meal 1-2 hours after a relatively intense weight-training session.

Trying to burn calories? Heed the clock

Humans’ ‘resting energy expenditure’ follows a predictable cycle, research shows.

A new study offers further evidence that circadian rhythms dictate not just when we feel the urge to sleep but how complex mechanisms such as metabolism operate across a 24-hour period

Next time you stagger into a Waffle House in the wee hours of the morning and order the Texas sausage egg and cheese melt (1,040 calories), consider this new research finding: At roughly that hour, the most basic operations of the human body throttle back their caloric needs by about 10% compared with the rate at which they will burn calories in late afternoon or early evening. Maybe you’d prefer to come back around dinnertime.

This pattern of calorie use doesn’t significantly vary based on whether you’re the waitress working the graveyard shift or a 9-to-5er stopping in for breakfast after eight hours of shut-eye, the researchers found. Humans’ “resting energy expenditure” — the body’s use of calories to power such basic functions as respiration, brain activity and fluid circulation — follows a predictable cycle that waxes as the day progresses and wanes as night sets in. The new study, published last week in the journal Current Biology, offers further evidence that circadian rhythms dictate not just when we feel the urge to sleep but how complex mechanisms like metabolism operate across a 24- hour period. It may help explain why people who keep irregular sleep schedules, including swing shift workers, have higher rates of obesity and are more likely to develop metabolic abnormalities such as type 2 diabetes. And it demonstrates that whether we hear it or not, our body’s clock is always ticking, locating us in our daily cycle with uncanny precision.

At “hour zero” — roughly corresponding to between 4 and 5 a.m. — our core body temperature dips to its lowest point and our idling fuel use reaches its nadir. From that point, at first quickly and then a bit more slowly, the body’s “resting energy expenditure” rises until the late afternoon/ early evening. After reaching its peak at roughly 5 p.m., the number of calories we burn while at rest plummets steadily for about 12 hours. And then, just as surely as day follows night, we start again. These new findings are a reminder that no matter how 24/7 our schedules have become, our bodies were built for a slower, simpler world in which humans moved around all day in search of food, ate while the sun was up, and slept when the sky was dark.

Today, our appetites and the all-night availability of tempting food may induce us to eat well after sundown. And our jobs may demand that we sleep during the day and wait tables, care for patients or drive trucks through the night. But our bodies still adhere to their ancient, inflexible clocks. The study’s findings also come with an implicit warning: When we disregard the biological rhythms that rule our bodies, we do so at our peril. Resting energy expenditure accounts for the majority of the minimum calories we burn in a day. Just to spend a day eating, sleeping and breathing uses up 60% to 70% of our “resting energy expenditure.” So a serious mismatch in the time when calories are consumed and the time when most of them are burned could prompt the body to make decisions — like storing calories as fat — that aren’t necessarily healthful.

The new study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that a good 12-hour fast, when aligned with darkness and our bodies’ nocturnal response, may be a way to prevent or reverse obesity. In lab animals and a growing number of people, Salk Institute researcher Satchin Panda has demonstrated the effect of dietary obedience to our circadian rhythms. Others have demonstrated the power of timing by showing how readily it can be disrupted. In a 2014 study, 14 lean, healthy adults agreed to turn their days upside-down over a six-day period. Fed a diet sufficient to maintain their weight, the subjects quickly adapted by turning their thermostats down. Compared with the baseline readings taken upon their arrival (when they were awake by day and asleep eight hours at night), the subjects burned 52 fewer calories on Day 2 of their swing-shift schedule, and 59 fewer calories on Day 3 of that schedule. Do that for a couple of days and you might feel a little off. Do it for months, years or a lifetime, and the result could be too much stored fat and metabolic processes that go haywire.

“One take-away is indeed that for optimal health, including metabolic health, it’s best for us to have a regular schedule seven days a week — getting up and going to bed at the same time and eating our meals at the same time,” said senior author Jeanne F. Duffy, a neuroscientist and sleep specialist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. “We have these powerful clocks in ourselves, and they’re prepared to deal with certain events — eating and sleeping — at particular times every day. So we want them to be optimally prepared for that.” To get to these findings, the researchers had to coax seven people to spend three weeks sequestered in windowless rooms without clocks, cellphones or internet service. In what is called a “forced desynchrony protocol,” the researchers extended the subjects’ days by four hours. All got a minimum of eight hours in bed at the end of their extended day, but then woke up and marched through an 18-hour period of artificial “daylight” before being allowed to sleep again. At first, they seemed to race to keep up with this odd clock. But after three weeks of such discombobulation, subjects essentially come to rely on their own internal clocks to set the duration of their days and separate their days from nights.

The individual rhythms that each subject fell back into did not show that much variation: Without alarm clocks or other cues, they eventually found their way back to a cycle of sleeping and waking that hovered closely around 24 hours, Duffy said. By the end of Week 1, the patterns in their hour-byhour resting energy expenditure had become clear: In a span of time ranging from 23 to 24.5 hours, subjects who were disconnected from day and night cues showed patterns of resting energy use that were remarkably similar, and that followed the same daytime rise and nighttime decline. These patterns remained unchanged until the end of Week 3. Along with that were similar patterns of “macronutrient utilization.” Subjects burned the most carbohydrates early in their waking day. Carbohydrate use then declined steadily, with a small jump in the middle of the night. The burning of fat was lowest in the morning, peaked in early evening, and declined from there. “We were impressed by the fact that these patterns were so similar between individuals,” Duffy said. “That told us this was something real.” The number of calories we burn — or store as fat — is probably influenced not just by our size, what we eat and the amount of exercise we get, Duffy said. The timing of our eating matters too. When we sleep late on weekends, hopscotch across time zones, or work on schedules that have us up all night and then back on the day shift, “we’re disrupting our clocks and making our metabolisms inefficient, and in the long term, that will lead to disease,” she said. “Staying on the same schedule is the best way to prevent that.”

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition (Snack)

                   Depending on your goal, fitness need,  intensity and duration of the workout,  there is no a rule that can be applied to everyone, if you trying to lose weight eating before a workout will be different than if you try to get stronger and gain muscle mass.  How much weight you have to lose?  how hard and how long will you train?  How does your body metabolize insulin levels? those factors must be kept into consideration when choosing the carbohydrates that will fuel your workout during and replenish it after. The answer to these questions will define the choice of foods and the time those foods will be ingested either before your workout begins and when your work out finishes. m.a.

Foods to Avoid (Weight Loss)

Foods to Avoid (Weight Loss)

1. French Fries and Potato Chips

(Boiled potatoes  instead)

2. Sugary Drinks  (soda…)

(and  Sports drinks,  they may be useful for athletes regular people don’t need  them, Water  instead)

3. White Bread

4. Candy Bars

5. Most Fruit Juices

(Fruit Juices are basically just liquid sugar, Have real whole  fruit instead)

6. Pastries, Cookies and Cakes

7. Alcohol (Especially Beer)

8. Ice Cream

9. Pizza

10. High-Calorie Coffee Drinks

11. Foods High in Added Sugar

(like sugary breakfast, granola bars, flavored yogurt)

“Low-fat” or “Fat-free” foods,  often add lots of sugar to make up for the flavor that’s lost when the fat is removed.

 12. Most Commercial Salad Dressings

Are loaded with sugar, vegetable oils and trans fats, along with  artificial chemicals

Question to Ask Yourself

  1. Why am I eating fatty foods?
  2. How do I feel before and after a meal?
  3. Am I ready to be flexible and make better nutrition choices?
  4. What are my specific fitness goals?
  5. How important are those goals to me?
  6. How much am I really willing to give to achieve those goals?
  7. Am I ready to make health and nutrition, a long-term investment?
  8. To lose one to two pounds a week, adults should cut back their calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories a day.

What Is Lean Body Mass?

Lean body mass is commonly used to describe the muscles in your arms, legs, back, neck and abdomen. But actually it also includes your heart muscle, and the tissues of your other internal organs as well as water, and bone. This is the part of your body you want to preserve or expand.

How much lean body mass you have is the most important factor in determining your metabolism (the rate at which you burn the calories). The higher the amount of your lean body mass, the higher your metabolic rate and the more calories you will burn when you are sitting or lying down. This higher metabolic rate makes it easier to maintain your weight.

Want to build up your lean body mass? The good news is that you can increase the amount and the strength of your muscles through a regular program of strength training — also known as “resistance” training.


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.In Western countries, people are considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person’s weight by the square of the person’s height, exceeds 30 kg/m2, with the range 25-30 kg/m2 defined as overweight.

Dieting and exercising are the main treatments for obesity. Diet quality can be improved by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods, such as those high in fat and sugars, and by increasing the intake ofdietary fiber.

Does Appetite Regulate What we Eat?

Appetite can be affected by a great variety of external forces environmental, psychological, and social.

Anger and appetite generally operate simultaneously.

Where food is ample merely appetite not hunger trigger eating.

Keep track of what trigger your eating for a few days is hunger or appetite?


Functions to maintain bones, blood clotting and muscle contraction.

Serves in nerves transmissions, cellular metabolism,  too much fiber and vit. D deficiency may hinder absorption.

Alcoholism, cigarette smoking  increase the chances of bone loss.

May reduce colon cancer.

Positive effect on blood pressure.

A common height loss  and a misshapen body are common results of osteoporosis.

RDA 800 mg x day

Many good vegetable sources of calcium exist, including seaweeds such as kelp, wakame and hijiki; nuts and seeds like almonds, hazelnuts, sesame, and pistachio; blackstrap molasses; beans(especially soy beans); figs; quinoa; okra; rutabaga; broccoli; dandelion leaves; and kale. In addition, several foods and drinks, such as orange juice, soy milk, tofu, breakfast cereals, and breads are often fortified with calcium.

Numerous vegetables, notably spinach, chard and rhubarb have a high calcium content, but they may also contain varying amounts of oxalic acid that binds calcium and reduces its absorption. The same problem may to a degree affect the absorption of calcium from amaranth, collard greens, and chicory greens. This process may also be related to the generation of calcium oxalate.

How To preserve Vitamins in foods

Keep Fruit and Vegetables cool. Enzyme in food begin to degrade vitamins once  picked.

Refrigerate foods in moisture proof containers. Nutrients keep best at temperature near freezing high humidity and away from exposure to air.

Avoid trimming and cutting fruits and vegetables into small pieces greater surface exposure  speeds vitamin breakdown by oxygen.

Outer leaf of  lettuce and other green vegetables have higher levels of vitamins and minerals than inner tender leaves. outer skin of potatoes, carrots, apples have higher level of macronutriments than do inner.

Steam with very little amount of water.

Do not reheat.

Do not add baking soda

Store canned food in a cool place.

Do not expose milk to sunlight.





Should you Take Vitamins Supplements?

To determine if you should take vitamins first look closely at your diet, if your diet follows the Food Pyramid Guide you probably will meet your needs. Women with heavy menstrual  flows  may need some iron.

Buyer be ware,  the most expensive Vitamin is biotin so watch for inexpensive fillers. Biotin promote the the synthesis of glucose, fatty acid, and DNA, and help to break down some amino acid, is found in eggs yolk, peanuts, and  cheese.

Food Pyramid