Behavioral Suggestions

Suggested Behavior For Weight Loss


Shop for food after eating

Shop from a list; do not buy irresistible “problem” foods

Avoid ready to eat foods

Put off shopping till absolutely necessary


Plan to limit food intake as needed

Substitute exercise for snacking

Eat meals and snacks at scheduled times; don’t skip meals


Store food out of sight, preferably in the freezer, so that impulse eating is discouraged

Eat all food in the same place (for example in the kitchen not in front of the tv)

Keep serving dishes off the table, especially sauces and gravies

Use smaller dishes and utensils

Holiday and parties

Drink fewer alcoholic beverages

Plan eating behavior before parties

Eat a low calorie snack before parties

Practice polite ways to decline food

Don’t get discourage by an occasional set back

Eating Behavior

Put fork down between mouthfuls

Chew thoroughly before taking the next bite

Leave same food on the plate

Pause in the middle of the meal

Do nothing else while eating (e.g.,reading, watching television)


Solicit help from family and friends and suggest how they may help you

Help family and friends provide this help in the form of praise and material rewards

Use self monitoring records as basis for rewards

Plan specific rewards for specific behaviour (behavioral contract)

Self monitoring

Diet Diary ( very important…)

Note time and place of eating

List type and amount of food eaten

Record who is present and how you feel

Use diet diary to identify problem areas

Cognitive restructuring

Avoid setting unreasonable goals

Think about progress, not shortcomings

Avoid imperatives like  ‘always” and ‘never”

Counter negative thoughts with positive restatements

Read this list again, and again not negotiable...