Monthly Archives: May 2018



Foods to Avoid (Weight Loss)

Foods to Avoid (Weight Loss)

1. French Fries and Potato Chips

(Boiled potatoes  instead)

2. Sugary Drinks  (soda…)

(and  Sports drinks,  they may be useful for athletes regular people don’t need  them, Water  instead)

3. White Bread

4. Candy Bars

5. Most Fruit Juices

(Fruit Juices are basically just liquid sugar, Have real whole  fruit instead)

6. Pastries, Cookies and Cakes

7. Alcohol (Especially Beer)

8. Ice Cream

9. Pizza

10. High-Calorie Coffee Drinks

11. Foods High in Added Sugar

(like sugary breakfast, granola bars, flavored yogurt)

“Low-fat” or “Fat-free” foods,  often add lots of sugar to make up for the flavor that’s lost when the fat is removed.

 12. Most Commercial Salad Dressings

Are loaded with sugar, vegetable oils and trans fats, along with  artificial chemicals