Daily Archives: February 2, 2016

Early Morning Training

When condition allow I personally like work out at 4am. On empty stomach, (may be with half on orange) this will further boost fat loss and increase the metabolic rate which tent to slow down as we age, Training on empty stomach will also utilize any food left over from the previous day. I will have my first meal at 7 am.
The four main benefit of working out in the morning:
1)Crucial hormones (i.e., testosterone) that help build muscle mass are elevated in the body. By exercising in the morning, you’re taking advantage of these naturally circulating hormones as they’re peaking, rather than later in the day when they’re lower.
2)Working out in the morning will help to boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories for the rest of the day. This phenomenon is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.
3)Release endorphins, feel-good hormones: your mood will improve.
4)More alert, more focused during the day.