Daily Archives: July 4, 2015

Suggested Behavior For Weight Loss


Shop for food after eating

Shop from a list; do not buy irresistible “problem” foods

Avoid ready to eat foods

Put off shopping till absolutely necessary


Plan to limit food intake as needed

Substitute exercise for snacking

Eat meals and snacks at scheduled times; don’t skip meals


Store food out of sight, preferably in the freezer, so that impulse eating is discouraged

Eat all food in the same place (for example in the kitchen not in front of the tv)

Keep serving dishes off the table, especially sauces and gravies

Use smaller dishes and utensils

Holiday and parties

Drink fewer alcoholic beverages

Plan eating behavior before parties

Eat a low calorie snack before parties

Practice polite ways to decline food

Don’t get discourage by an occasional set back

Eating Behavior

Put fork down between mouthfuls

Chew thoroughly before taking the next bite

Leave same food on the plate

Pause in the middle of the meal

Do nothing else while eating (e.g.,reading, watching television)


Solicit help from family and friends and suggest how they may help you

Help family and friends provide this help in the form of praise and material rewards

Use self monitoring records as basis for rewards

Plan specific rewards for specific behaviour (behavioral contract)

Self monitoring

Diet Diary ( very important…)

Note time and place of eating

List type and amount of food eaten

Record who is present and how you feel

Use diet diary to identify problem areas

Cognitive restructuring

Avoid setting unreasonable goals

Think about progress, not shortcomings

Avoid imperatives like  ‘always” and ‘never”

Counter negative thoughts with positive restatements

Read this list again, and again not negotiable...

Is Weight Gain Inevitable as You Age?

Most people get fatter as they get older…but they don’t have to. It is a matter of reduced physical activity levels and lower metabolic rate caused by a loss of lean body mass [muscle].

The lifelong loss of lean body mass reduces our basal metabolic rate as we age. It’s a very subtle change that begins between ages 20 and 30. The percentage of body fat gradually increases, and it produces an ever-decreasing calorie requirement. That’s because fat cells burn fewer calories than muscle cells. And a lower metabolic rate means that unless you eat less, you’ll gain weight over the decades.

But exercise can mount a two-pronged attack on middle-age spread and muscle loss. Any activity makes you burn more calories (so you’re less likely to wind up with an excess). And strength-training can offset the loss of muscle mass.

Is it True That The More I Sweat The More Fat I Lose?

Not at all!  The harder you work out, the more calories you’ll burn within a given period and thus the more fat you stand to lose. But how much you sweat does not necessarily reflect how hard you’re working. Some people tend to sweat profusely due to heavy body weight, poor conditioning, or heredity. And everyone sweats more in hot, dry weather or dense clothing than in cool, humid weather or porous clothing. (You may feel as if you’re sweating more in humid weather; but that’s because moist air slows the evaporation of sweat.)
Exercising in extremely hot weather or in a plastic “weight loss” suit will indeed make you sweat heavily and lose weight immediately. But that lost weight is almost entirely water; the pounds will return when you replenish your fluids by drinking after the workout. Further, you could develop heat exhaustion if you push yourself too hard in extreme heat or in plastic clothes. which prevent sweat from evaporating and, in turn, cooling you off.

How Do I Get Rid of Flabby Arms?

One of the biggest exercise myths is that you can lose fat in an area of the body by strength training or exercising that specific body part. The truth is that “spot reducing” and “spot toning” do not work, because we cannot dictate from where our bodies will decide to oxidize fat, nor can we change fat into muscle. Doing triceps press-downs will not decrease the amount of fat clients have on the backs of their arms any more than doing crunches will decrease the amount of fat clients have on their stomachs.

As your clients age, their skin will become less elastic and thus conform less to their arms. So “flabby arms” are somewhat a product of age. Any exercise that decreases body fat percentage will help your clients lose fat on their arms, just as it will help them lose fat from other areas of the body.

How Long Do I Need to Be Training Before I See Results?

Once you start being physically active, you’ll begin to see results in just a few weeks. You may feel stronger and more energetic than before. You may notice that you can do things more easily, faster, or for longer than before. As you become more fit, you may need to make your activities more challenging to see additional results. Faster result are also compounded by following  the right diet. Research shows that changes in the structure of your muscle can occur in as little as two weeks after starting a training program. How fast and how much you increase your strength depends on your initial level of strength and your potential for improvement.